FLUENT V6 - Compute solution residuals in a User-Defined Function (UDF)

Client wants to calculate solution residuals in a UDF so as to control solver settings.

The following UDF will do this.
#include "udf.h"
real calc_residual(Domain* d, Var_Attribute *sv, int n, real scale, char* eqname);

Domain* d = Get_Domain(1);
cxboolean scale = TRUE;
real residual;
Var_Attribute *sv;
int i;
int n = nres - 1;
char eqname[128];


/* Loop over all equation variables */
for(i=SV_MAX-1, sv=sv_master; i>=0; i--, sv++)
residual = calc_residual(d, sv, n, scale, eqname);
if (residual > 0) Message("%16s: %13.6en", eqname, residual);

real calc_residual(Domain* d, Var_Attribute *sv, int n, real scale, char* eqname)
real resid = 0.0;

real sf;
int eqn_index;
eqn_index = NULLP(SV_METHOD(sv,residual_p)) ? EQ_NULL : SV_METHOD(sv,residual_p)(d,sv,RESIDUAL_INDEX);

/* This will be tru if equation is being solved */
if ((eqn_index != EQ_NULL) && (SV_METHOD(sv,residual_p)(d,sv,RESIDUAL_DISPLAY)))
if (n>0)
resid = DOMAIN_RES(d, eqn_index)[n];
strcpy(eqname, DOMAIN_EQN_LABEL(d, eqn_index));
if (scale)
sf = DOMAIN_RES_SCALE(d, eqn_index)[n];
if (sf > 0) resid /= sf;
resid = 1.0;
resid = 0.0;

Message0("Warning: Function calc_residual() Not implemented in Paralleln");

return resid;


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