POLYDATA - trouble in defining a PMAT dependence with respect to S (evolution parameter)

When defining a PMAT or UDF in POLYDATA, one has indeed access to S (evolution parameter) or time as a possible dependence quantity. However, when choosing another field, one does no longer have the possibility to select again a dependence with respect to S or time. What can be done here for retrieving the possibility of defining a dependence with respect to S or t?
Defining a dependence with respect to the evolution variable S or time t requires a specific treatment, since the Jacobian matrix does not invoke the evaluation of the corresponding derivatives. If the user has selected another variable for the PMAT/UDF dependence, the dependence with respect to S or time can be retrieved by deleting the created function and recreating it. Usually such functions do not involve too much parameters, so that this should not generate too much trouble.

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