Patching temperatures for transient runs in Icepak

In a transient case, initially, different components in the solution domain may have different temperatures. In Icepak, this can be accomplished by using the procedure given below.
The procedure to patch temperatures in Icepak is as follows:

1. Set appropriate time steps, save intervals and other transient settings.

2. There is no need to specify any initial conditions for the temperature at this point, i.e. all the objects inside the cabinet will have the same temperature as the ambient (except the fan/opening/grille inlet temperatures (on the cabinet walls) which can be specified separately)

3. Go to the "Solve>Advanced" and click on "Don't start solver" option. Then, all of the necessary files required to solve the problem will be written, however Icepak will not start the solution.

4. In the model folder, you will see a file with the name: 'solution_id'.uns_in. Edit this text file (with textpad, wordpad, vi, emacs etc.)

5. You will see a line:

(if (err-protect (ti-menu-load-string "s i i"))

Modify this line as follows:

(if (err-protect (ti-menu-load-string "s i i") (ti-menu-load-string "solve patch block-solid, temperature 353.15"))

where "block" is the name of the object whose temperature is to be patched at T=353.15K (80C). Note that tempertaure values should be entered in Kelvin.

6. If you have "." in the object name, replace it with "_".

7. If temperature values are to be patched for multiple objetcs, repeat the procedure in step 5 for each object.

8. Save the 'solution_id'.uns_in file.

9. Go back to Icepak, Solve> Advanced, unclick "Don't start solver" option and click "Reuse existing solver input files". Make sure that the solution ID's are the same (check it from the Solve>Options). Solve the problem as usual.

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