How can I tell the ADAMS macro to write to bigger disk?

This is handled in the MNF library (not ANSYS). Try adding the following to your .cshrc file:

setenv TMPDIR /where/I/want/it/to/go

You can verify that it is getting picked up in the ANSYS run by creating a simple input with /sys,printenv in the file (or as the only command in the file) and make sure in the output file it echoes back the value for TMPDIR. "TMPDIR" is a UNIX system function and Google might provide more information (It could be ignored for security reasons).

If this does not work, there appear to be 3 other variables that can be set:

MDI_TMP_MOD for specifying the file path *and* name, e.g. /where/I/want/it/to/go/tmpmnffile.mod

(They are for the temporary mode shape, stress, and strain files).

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