Is it possible to adjust the Spot Weld radius in Workbench Simulation?
This may also be referred to as Spot Weld Diameter, Spot Weld Lengh or Spot Weld Size.

In ANSYS Workbench 7.0, the spot weld tolerance or minimum length = (1.02e-8 X solve units)
This value was selected as a minimum since smaller values may cause the solver to fail.
It is not possible to override this value using ANSYS Workbench 7.0

In ANSYS Workbench 7.1 and later, the spot weld tolerance or minimum length = (4.02e-8 X solve units).
This change is due to models where 1.02e-8 X solve units was still found to be too small, causing failure.

It is possible to override this value at AWE71 with variable "spot weld min length"

Use the variable (located in DS menu: Tools > Variable Manager >)


Variable = spot weld min length
Value = 5.67e-8
**** Entered By: swescott @ 10/08/2004 02:56 PM ****

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