At ANSYS 8.1 and earlier releases, the calculated S11 parameter (using SPARM.MAC) for a half symmetry stripline model having PML at either end (to prevent reflections) and no discontinuities between the ends, is far from 0. It should be zero (or very close to it). The value of S11 reported by the older TLSPRM.MAC is correct (close to zero). Is this a bug?

Yes. This is defect 25932, which was fixed at release 9.0.

To run half symmetry TLINE models at 9.0, the user must now set VAL3 = 0.5 in the HFPORT,,TLINE command (this is new at release 9.0). Additionally, documentation and GUI support for TLSPRM.MAC will be dropped. The procedures required by SPARM and SPSWP are more consistent, so support of these macros will be contiinued.

A sample half symmetry coplanar waveguide model is attached to this solution.

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