Error when running through PBS with -mpi=intel in Fluent
Comments: When running through PBS with -mpi=intel you receive the following errors: I_MPI: [0] my_dlopen(): dlopen failed: I_MPI: [0] set_up_devices(): will use static-default device I_MPI: [0] my_dlopen(): dlopen failed: I_MPI: [0] set_up_devices(): will use static-default device

1. Check the following in /etc/security/limits.conf file
* soft memlock 8000000 * hard memlock 8239380 In the example above showing only only 8 GB RAM per machine you should change both the numbers to 7500000. In addition, make sure to check this file on all the involved machines. After making this change you may need to restart the machines.
2. Make sure you are launching Fluent using the -pib.ofed flag. For example, ... fluent 3d -t8 -cnf=your-host-file -pib.ofed ...

Other Suggestions: Try putting "ulimit -n unlimited" directly in the pbs_mom startup script, and let PBS reload the pbs_moms. You may need to contact the person who is responsible the PBS configuration.

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