Q: I am trying to run the CFX-5.7.1 solver in parallel on an HP itanium cluster. The machines in the cluster have HP-UX 11.23 installed. The run fails and the following messgaes appear at the end of the CFX-5.7.1 solver output file:

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo conf | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot get current PVM configuration: error calling PVM or unknown |
| table format: |

| An error hasoccurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo add ardhps17 | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Unable to find host table in output from PVM daemon: |

Q: I am trying to run the CFX-5.7.1 solver in parallel on an HP itanium cluster. The machines in the cluster have HP-UX 11.23 installed. The run fails and the following messgaes appear at the end of the CFX-5.7.1 solver output file:

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo conf | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot get current PVM configuration: error calling PVM or unknown |
| table format: |

| An error hasoccurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo add ardhps17 | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Unable to find host table in output from PVM daemon: |
| Error adding host ardhps17. |

| Warning! |
| |
| rsh to host ardhps16 produces the following output before the |
| output of the command: |
|stty: : Unknown error |
| |
| This may cause problems spawning parallel slaves, especially on |
| Windows. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo conf | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot get current PVM configuration: error calling PVM or unknown |
| table format:|

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| echo add ardhps16 | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return |
| code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Unable to find host table in output from PVM daemon: |
| |
| Error adding host ardhps16. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| echo conf | "/prg/HP_11i/CFX/Shared/pvm3.4.4_11-1/lib/pvm" |
| "/data/New Folder/project1_v3_007.dir/PVMhosts" exited with return || code 1. |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot get current PVM configuration: error calling PVM or unknown |
| table format: |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot locate current host in host list! |

For this run I am using two ma

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