How can I start a solver run from the cfx5solve command line and specify:

- Local / Distributed parallel runs?
- PVM / MPI parallel mode?

LOCAL PARALLEL: For a local parallel run the -par-local option is required to specify a local parallel run. In addition, the -part option is required to specify the number partitions to be used. The following example would start a local parallel run, using two partitions:

cfx5solve -def file1.def -par-local -part 2

DISTRIBUTED PARALLEL: For a distributed parallel run, the -par-dist option is required to specify which hosts are to be used. The number of partitions is implicitly specified by the -par-dist option. The example shown below would start a two partition distributed parallel run on the hosts 'navier' and 'stokes'.

cfx5solve -def file1.def -par-dist navier,stokes

Multiple partitions can also be specified for a host. The following example would start a seven partition distributed parallel run with four partitions on 'navier' and three partitions on 'stokes'.

cfx5solve -def file1.def -par-dist navier*4,stokes*3

PARALLEL MODE: The parallel communication mode is specified using the -start-method option. PVM is the default mode, hence would not normally need to be specified. Several MPImodes are available, depending on whether UNIX/Linux or Windows machines are to be used. These are:

MPICH Local Parallel
MPICH Distributed Parallel
MPICH Local Parallel (Windows)
MPICH Distributed Parallel (Windows)

The example shown below would start a two partition distributed parallel run on the hosts 'navier' and 'stokes', using MPI parallel mode on Windows machines.

cfx5solve -def file1.def -par-dist navier,stokes -start-method "MPICH Distributed Parallel (Windows)"

Single quotes can be used around the mode name on UNIX/Linux systems but double quotes must be used on Windows systems.

Finally, a full list of available command line options can be obtained using the -help option. For example, for the cfx5solve command using:

cfx5solve -help

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