FLUENT - Two common errors when using the planar conduction model (floating point exception or MPI error) and tips to address the underlying issues

Most of the issues with planar conduction in parallel mode are not actually due to parallel.
There are two other possible causes:

I) If one gets floating point exception in serial mode, then one should check that all walls that have planar conduction ON should
NOT have zero thickness. It is easy to make such mistake. Fortunately, it is rather easy to check for such condition by examining the bc file.

To perform such quick check:

-Write out a bc file, by going to FLUENT's Text User Interface (TUI) command line and typing: /file/write-bc/any_name
-Use any text editor that has search/replace functionality and read the bc file.
-Search for line in the bc that contains: (planar-conduction? . #t)
The #t means that planar conduction is turned on. Eighth line above this one is thickness definition. Thickness definition line looks as such:
(d . 0.001). Search through the file for all the walls and make sure the thickness is not zero - you should not see: (d . 0).

If you find one with zero thickness, then you can either visit that wall in boundary condition panel and put a non-zero positive thickness or remove planar conduction. You can also make these changes in the bc file. If you want to turn OFF planar conduction in the bc file, then repalce (planar-conduction? . #t) with (planar-conduction? . #f). You can read the modified bc file by typing in the TUI: /file/read-bc bc_name.

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