My ANSYS Workbench Simulation 9.0 model of a flat plate in tension does not
finish when a Convergence object is added to a Solution item like equivalent
stress. In 10.0, it gives me the error message shown below, but I do not see
the indicated problem. Can anyone provide more information about this?

ANSYS - Error

There are no candidate nodes or elements available for adaptive refinement.
Check that the results with convergence are not scoped to singular boundary

For the attached 9.0 database, the code is behaving as designed. Simulation
does not allow nodes to be refined at "singular supports". Fixed Supports and
Given Displacements are classified as such. Frictionless supports are not
classified as singular.

If you want to bypass this code logic and allow fixed supports to be refined, set the
variable "adaptive_sbc" to "NONE". Below is a list of the "singular" loads:

case CLSIDDSFullSurfaceSupport :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeSupport :
case CLSIDDSVertexSupport :
case CLSIDDSCylinderFixedSupport :
case CLSIDDSFullSurfaceDisplacement :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeDisplacement :
case CLSIDDSVertexDisplacement :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeForce :
case CLSIDDSVertexForce :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeSimpleSupport :
case CLSIDDSVertexSimpleSupport :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeFrictionlessSupport :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeMoment :
case CLSIDDSVertexMoment :
case CLSIDDSFullSurfaceRotation :
case CLSIDDSFullEdgeRotation:
case CLSIDDSVertexRotation :


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