Is it possible to import multiple CDB files with shells defined by both SECTION IDs and REAL constant numbers?

In ANSYS Release 10.0, you must take great care if importing CDB files where some elements are defined using SECTION IDs and some elements are defined using REAL constants. If both SECTION IDs and REAL constants are defined for a shell element, the REAL constant data is ignored. When multiple CDB files are read, the elements will now have both REAL constants and SECTION IDs associated to them, so the REAL constant data is ignored.

For example, consider the case where CDB file #1 has shell elements with a thickness of 1.0 defined by REAL constant number 1 and CDB file #2 has shell elements with a thickness of 10.0 defined by SECTION ID number 1. If both CDB files are read into a clean database all of the shell elements will now have a thickness of 10.0, because all of the shell elements now have both a REAL constant number of 1 (value of 1.0) and SECTION ID of 1 (value of 10.0) associated to them. The REAL constant data will be ignored and the shell thickness will be defined by the SECTION ID.

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