FLUENT V6 - UDF for accessing field variables at the nodes of a face thread

It is sometimes necessary to retrieve the values of specific variables at the nodes of your mesh. This could be done by looping over cells/faces and accessing the interpolated data at the nodes.
The UDF (DEFINE_ON_DEMAND) included in this solution provides an example for accessing pressure data on the nodes of a boundary surface.

Before executing the UDF, please make sure:
1. Data is available (case is initialized/ solved/ data file is read)
2. The correct boundary zone ID is provided
3. The correct field variable name is provided

* UDF to access field variable data at nodes for a face zone

#include "udf.h"
#include "dx.h"
#include "mem.h"

#define ID 3 /* Zone ID (in boundary condition panel) on which node data is to be obtained */

char *what = "pressure"; /* field variable name for which data is to be extracted */

/* For single phase cases, the names of the field variables can be obtained from FLUENT TUI mode.
Example: /display/contours/ => this lists all the field variables that are available. */

/* For multi phase cases, the names of the field variables can be obtained from FLUENT TUI mode.
Example: /display/contours/phase-x => this lists all the field variables (y) that are available.
The filed variable name = "phase-x-y" => x = phase number ( 1, 2 etc.), y = variable name displayed in TUI. */

DEFINE_ON_DEMAND(my_node_values) {

real x, y;
int n;
face_t f;
Node *v;

Domain *d = Get_Domain(1);
Thread *t = Lookup_Thread(d, ID);
FILE *fp = fopen("test_file.txt", "w");

Node_Function_Values(d, what);

/* Initalize all node marks on the thread == 0 */
begin_f_loop(f, t) {
f_node_loop(f, t, n) {
NODE_MARK(v) = 0;
end_f_loop(f, t);

/* Loop over the nodes and get the data */
begin_f_loop(f, t) {
f_node_loop(f, t, n) {
v = F_NODE(f,t,n);

x = NODE_X(v);
y = NODE_Y(v);

if(NODE_MARK(v) == 0) /* if not already visited */
fprintf(fp, "%gt%gt%14.8En", x , y, NODE_VALUE(v));
NODE_MARK(v) = 1;
end_f_loop(f, t);

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This code seems very helpful. But I am not able to find any info about NODE_MARK, NODE_VALUE and NODE_FUNCTION_VALUES in user manual. I would appreciate if you could help me out.
Kumar, Mon Apr 14, 2014