I have requested some transient statistics for an additional variable in a multiphase set up, and the transient average of the additional variable does not appear in the res file.
Is there a workaround?

This is a bug in CFX-10, which has been fixed in CFX-11: the problem is that, in a multiphase run, CFX-Pre allows the user to select an additional variable with the syntax 'Fluid prefix.Variable name' (e.g. Air Ideal Gas.smoke), while the solver expects an additional variable without the fluid prefix (e.g. smoke).
Until CFX-11 is released, there is a workaround which requires the following steps:

1. extract the ccl from the def file with:
cfx5cmds -def filename.def -text filename.ccl -read
2. edit 'filename.ccl' and in the section TRANSIENT STATISTICS, remove the fluid prefix in front of the additional variable in the Variable List.
3. put the ccl back into the def file with:
cfx5cmds -def filename.def -text filename.ccl -write

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