Fan pressure drop as a function of radius

Compute fan pressure drop as a function of radial distance from the center of rotation of the fan (and flow kinetic energy).

This solution consists of the following files:

* jump.c = UDF to compute dp across fan as a function of (distance from fan center) and flow ke.

* fan_gui.scm = Scheme file for entering fan axis center through GUI

Instructions for use
* Start fluent
* Compile UDF
* Read fan_gui.scm
* Read cas and data file
* Enter fan coordinates: Define->Define Fan Center
* Select Profile Specification of Pressure Jump under Define->Boundary Conditions->fan->Set.
* Under Pressure Jump profile, enter pjump for the udf function

That's it. Initialize and iterate.

/***** BEGINNING OF pjump.c ******/

* jump.c = Pressure jump across a fan as a function of
* radius and kinetic energy
#include "udf.h"

real pressure_drop(real d, real ke);

DEFINE_PROFILE(pjump, thread, index)

real fcx, fcy, fcz; /* fan center position */
real dp; /* pressure drop */
real rho; /* density */
real ke; /* kinetic energy of fluid */
real dxmag; /* distance from fan center to face */
real vmag; /* gas speed */
real vx, vy, vz;

real NV_VEC(v); /* velocity vector */
real NV_VEC(x); /* vector position of face */
real NV_VEC(xo); /* vector position of fan center */
real NV_VEC(dx); /* vector from fan_center to face */

Thread *t0 = thread->t0; /* Cell thread on the 0-side of face thread */
Thread *t1 = thread->t1; /* Cell thread on the 1-side of face thread */

face_t face;
cell_t c0, c1;

/* Read variables from FLUENT GUI */
fcx = RP_Get_Real("fan-center-x");
fcy = RP_Get_Real("fan-center-y");
fcz = RP_Get_Real("fan-center-z");

/* Fan center (vector) */
NV_D (xo, =, fcx, fcy, fcz);


/* Cell centers on cells adjacent to the face */
c0 = F_C0(face,thread);
c1 = F_C1(face,thread);

/* Get face centroid location */
F_CENTROID(x, face, thread);

/* Determine distance vector from fan center */
NV_VV (dx, =, x, -, xo);

/* Magnitude of dx */
dxmag = NV_MAG(dx);

/* Get the velocity vector at the face */
vx = 0.5 * (C_U(c0,t0) + C_U(c1,t1));
vy = 0.5 * (C_V(c0,t0) + C_V(c1,t1));
#if RP_3D
vz = 0.5 * (C_W(c0,t0) + C_W(c1,t1));
NV_D (v, =, vx, vy, vz);

/* Velocity magnitude at the face */
vmag = NV_MAG(v);

/* Gas density */
rho = 0.5 * (C_R(c0,t0) + C_R(c1,t1));

/* Gas kinetic energy */
ke = 0.5 * rho * vmag * vmag;

/* Pressure drop */
dp = pressure_drop(dxmag, ke);

F_PROFILE(face, thread, index) = dp;
end_f_loop(f, thread)

pressure_drop(real d, real ke)

/* d = distance from fan center */

real dp;
real factor; /* ratio of dp to ke */

/* Ratio of dp to gas kinetic energy */
factor = 0.10 * d;

dp = factor * ke;
return dp;

/**** END OF jump.c *****/

/****** BEGINNING of fan_gui.scm *********/
(define (make-new-rpvar name default type)
(if (not (rp-var-object name))
(rp-var-define name default type #f)))
;; Create rpvars for udf, assign initial (ie: default) values
;; types: real, boolean, integer, thread-list
;; () is empty list, #f is false (off)

(make-new-rpvar 'fan-center-x 0.0 'real)
(make-new-rpvar 'fan-center-y 0.0 'real)
(make-new-rpvar 'fan-center-z 0.0 'real)

;; Create a panel for the udf
(define gui-define-output-data-panel

;;; "panel" is a variable name
;;; panel #f - no panel made yet
(let ((panel #f)
;;; declare variables - assign values later

;;; Function which is called when panel is opened
;;; sets panel variables to values in make-new-rpvar section
;;; default: all options off, no surfaces selected
(define (update-cb . args)
(cx-set-real-entry fan-center-x (rpgetvar 'fan-center-x))
(cx-set-real-entry fan-center-y (rpgetvar 'fan-center-y))
(cx-set-real-entry fan-center-z (rpgetvar 'fan-center-z))

;;; Function which is called when OK button is hit.
;;; assigns variable values that were set in panel after clicking "ok"
(define (apply-cb . args)
(rpsetvar 'fan-center-x (cx-show-real-entry fan-center-x))
(rpsetvar 'fan-center-y (cx-show-real-entry fan-center-y))
(rpsetvar 'fan-center-z (cx-show-real-entry fan-center-z))

(lambda args
;;; if panel does not exist, make panel
(if (not panel)
;; create panel

(let ((table))
(set! panel (cx-create-panel "Fan Center Panel" apply-cb update-cb))
;; create table w/o title in panel to enable row by column format
(set! table (cx-create-table panel "" 'border #f 'below 0 'right-of 0))

;;; Create Custom Variable input.
(set! mybox (cx-create-table table "Fan Center Coordinates" 'border #t 'row 0))
(set! fan-center-x (cx-create-real-entry mybox "x-location" 'row 0 'col 0))
(set! fan-center-y (cx-create-real-entry mybox "y-location" 'row 1 'col 0))
(set! fan-center-z (cx-create-real-entry mybox "z-location" 'row 2 'col 0))
;; tell solver to display the panel
(cx-show-panel panel)

;; Add new panel to end of User-Defined menu.
;; no need to modify here except panel name and menu location
"Define Fan Center..."

/******* END OF fan_gui.scm ***************/

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