How can I write out separate domains from TurbogGrid 10.0?

I created both meshes in Turbogrid 10.0 and when creating the meshes I selected the option to create OUTLET DOMAIN in the MESH DATA tab so the full mesh is created in the wireframe of the blades.
I am having a problem importing these meshes into the CFX 10 definition file. Can you please advise me on how to solve this problem?

When you export from TurboGrid 10.0, you have the option to write the mesh out as one assembly in one file, write out individual assemblies in one file or write out individual assemblies in individual files. You should select the first option so that the main blade passage is attached to the outlet block section. You can also in CFX-Pre select multiple assemblies for one domain ie for the rotor, select the main assembly and the outblock assembly.

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