What does message about an an array named _EPROP mean?

This message has been seen in cases where users entered the contact
manager after partially creating contact manually. This can confuse the Contact
Manager. In the previous case, CONTA175 elements were not paired up with anything.

If the existing pairs are corrected, manual input can be used for subsequent Contact
Manager viewing, but if not, it will get confused and issue the message you are getting.

Possible error messages:

*** ERROR *** CP = 1.763 TIME= 12:08:47
Subscript range error. Parameter _EPROP is dimensioned as 681 x 4,
but location 0 x 1 is being requested

*** ERROR *** CP = 1.833 TIME= 12:08:49
No data exists for dimensioned parameter _EPROP with subscripts 0 x 1.

*** ERROR *** CP = 1.863 TIME= 12:08:49
The above error occurred processing field= _EPROP(_LOWRL,1)
Line= *VSCFUN,_lowrl,FIRST,_eprop(1,1).

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