I have used particle tracking model in CFX and I specified Mass Flow Absorption Coefficient on the wall boundaries. How can I find out the amount of particles that has been collected on the walls?

When using particle tracking, the mass flow absorption is available to allow a fraction of particles to leave the domain when they collide with a wall. For each particle tracked, the mass flow (number) rate is reduced whenever it strikes a wall. Please also note if one specifies that Perpendicular Restitution Coefficient equals zero at walls, all the mass flow rate will be absorbed at the wall.
In the Output file, one will get a Particle Fate Diagnostics and one can find particles tracks have been collected on walls.
To find out the actual mass flow that has been absorbed, there is one variable in CFX-Post called ` Particle Name.Wall Mass Flow Density`. The units of this variable is [kg m^-2 s^-1]. By integrating this variable over a wall boundary, one can find out the mass flow has been absorbed on that wall. For example, one can use something like areaInt (Particle Name.Wall Mass Flow Density)@walls in the function calculator. The mass flow includes both the contribution from non-zero Mass Flow Absorption Coefficient and contribution from zero Perpendicular Restitution Coefficient.

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