How to obtain a list of domain names, when using batch session files in CFD-Post?

The list of domains and the names of single domains can be extracted automatically in batch session files in CFD-Post, using the following commands:

CFD-Post V12:

! my $current_case_list = getValue("DATA READER", "Current Case List");
! my @current_case_list = split /s*,s*/, $current_case_list;
! print "Current Cases: $current_case_listn";

! my $current_case_name = getValue("DATA READER", "Active Case Name");
! my $doms = getChildren("$current_case_name","DOMAIN");
! $doms =~ s/DOMAIN://g;
! @row_names = sort @row_names;
! my $row_no = 0;

! my @row_names = split(/,/, $doms );

! print "Domains in current Case: $domsn";
! print "@row_names: @row_namesn";
! print "$row_names[1]n";

CFX-Post 11:

In CFX-Post 11, the method for extracting domain lists and names is different than in CFD-Post 12, as CFX-Post 11 handles multiple cases loaded to Post differently

! $doms = getChildren("", "DOMAIN");
! $doms =~ s/DOMAIN://g;
! @row_names = split(/,/, $doms ); $row_no = 0;
! @row_names = sort @row_names;
! print "Domains: $domsn";
! print "@row_names: @row_namesn";

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