I would like to add a pressure inlet to a problem, where the boundary condition pressure is specified as a function of time. This is for a transient internal flow problem.

Whould you happen to have a simple example of this?

Transient Boundary Conditions

There are two ways you can specify transient boundary conditions:

1. transient profile with a format similar to the standard boundary profiles described in Section 6.24 of the FLUENT 5 User's Guide

2. transient profile in a tabular format

!! For both methods, the boundary condition will vary only in time; it must be spatially uniform. !!

1. Standard Transient Profiles

The format of the standard transient profile file (based on the profiles described in Section 6.24 of the FLUENT 5 User's Guide) is

((profile-name transient n periodic?)
(field_name-1 a1 a2 a3 .... an)
(field_name-2 b1 b2 b3 .... bn)
(field_name-r r1 r2 r3 .... rn))

One of the field_names should be used for the time field, and the time field section must be in ascending order. The periodic? entry indicates whether or not the
profile is time-periodic. Set it to 1 for a time-periodic profile, or 0 if the profile is not time-periodic.

An example is shown below:

((sampleprofile transient 3 1)

You can read this file into FLUENT using the Boundary Profiles panel or the File/Read/Profile... menu item.

Define >> Profiles...

File >> Read >> Profile...

See Section 6.25.3 in the FLUENT 6 User's Guide for details.

2. Tabular Transient Profiles

The format of the tabular transient profile file is

profile-name n_field n_data periodic?
field-name-1 field-name-2 field-name-3 .... field-name-n_field
v-1-1 v-2-1 ... ... ... ... v-n_field-1
v-1-2 v-2-2 ... ... ... ... v-n_field-2
v-1-n_data v-2-n_data ... ... ... ... v-n_field-n_data

One of the field-names should be used for the time field, and the time field section must be in ascending order. The periodic? entry indicates whether or not the
profile is time-periodic. Set it to 1 for a time-periodic profile, or 0 if the profile is not time-periodic.

An example is shown below:

sampletabprofile 2 3 1
time u
1 10
2 20
3 30

This file defines the same transient profile as the standard profile example above.

You can read this file into FLUENT using the read-transient-table text command.


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