Error during conversion of file - Polydata

Comments: After creating the .neu file and converting the GAMBIT neutral file by
tools--->convert a gambit neutral file--->create a new simulation--->

A window with the title conversion information comes up but it is blank and has an "OK" button. After clicking OK the following error message pops up:

c:Fluent.Incntbinntx86....ntbinntx86polydata.exe -MENUS < tmp.cons > convert.log - 03/07/08 15:20:15: Error during conversion of file


This is a known issue and a patch has been release called "Critical Patch 1". Download this patch from the ANSYS Customer Portal. Choose Polyflow from the Download Center, choose your Operating System. You will see Critical Patch 1 available. There is a README file with specific instructions on how to apply this critical patch.

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