Can't fix the temperature in a solid using Fluent6.0.20 via GUI or TUI

The fixed option in BC panel for solid in v6.0.20 is not functional. This is fixed in fluent6.1.x. How to specify fixed option in fluent6.0.20?
1. turn on energy
2. change type to solid
3. write out bc file (/file/write-bc file.bc)
4. edit the bc file for the solid by first searching for the zone name.
Below is an example of the section in the bc file that sets the solid.
You can see that temperature is fixed at 500K. Note below that 6th line
is modified from:



(fixes (temperature (constant . 500) (profile "" "")))

(bc (cells-lens solid mixture) (
(material . aluminum)
(sources? . #f)
(sources (energy (inactive . #f) (constant . 0) (profile "" "")))
(fixed? . #t)
(fixes (temperature (constant . 500) (profile "" "")))
(motion-spec . 0)
(grid-x-vel . 0)
(grid-y-vel . 0)
(grid-z-vel . 0)
(omega . 0)
(x-origin . 0)
(y-origin . 0)
(z-origin . 0)
(ai . 0)
(aj . 0)
(ak . 0)

5. read the modified bc file (/file/read-bc file.bc)

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