UDF for Herschel-Bulkley viscosity with spatial dependence.

Spatial dependence to Herschel-Bulkley viscosity model

Spatial dependency needs to be added by user... very straighforward to implement.
#include "udf.h"


* mu = [tau0 + k*(S_dot^n - (tau0/mu0)^n)]/S_dot ; S_dot > tau0/mu0
* mu = mu0; ; S_dot < tau0/mu0

real mu,mu0,k,n,tau0,S_dot,S_crit;
real NV_VEC(cell_position);

/* Get cell centroid location:
cell_position[0] = x
cell_position[1] = y
cell_position[2] = z in 3D only */

/* H-B Coefficients... will need to multiply them by cell_position[?] */
tau0 = 1.0;
k = 1.0;
n = 1.0;
mu0 = 1.0;

/* Strain rate */
S_dot = Cell_Strain_Rate_Mag(c,t);
S_crit = MAX(tau0, 1.0E-10) / MAX(mu0, 1.0E-10);

/* H-B equation */
if (S_dot <= S_crit)
mu = mu0;
mu = (tau0 + k*(pow(S_dot, n) - pow(S_crit, n)))/S_dot;

CX_Message("Sdot is %10.3en", S_dot);
CX_Message("Viscosity is %10.3en", mu);

return mu;

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