Changing kill-script name and path

Scheme file attached below would create $HOME/kill-fluent<PID> script in user specified directory. Name
of the script file could also be changed. The usuage of which is as follows:

1)Either load the scheme file through (load 'kill-script)
put the complete function(content in kill-script.scm) in $HOME/.fluent file.

2)Then execute following commands in Fluent console(with braces included) in the same sequence:

(remove kill-script-filename)

(write-kill-script "Your/chosen/dir" "My_file_name")
(write-kill-script "Your/chosen/dir") ;; Default file name will be taken

This will write the kill-script file as Your/chosen/dir/My_file_name. (or default file that is,
kill-script$CORTX_PID). If you wish to use new name, first argument giving directory path must be provided.


(define (write-kill-script . args)

(if (not (or (nt?) (file-exists? kill-script-filename)))
(set! kill-script-filename (format #f "~a/kill-fluent~a"
(getenv "HOME") (if (rp-sge?)
(getenv "JOB_ID")
(number->string (cx-cortex-id))))))
(if (not (nt?))
(if (and (pair? args ) (car args))
(if (file-directory? (car args))
(set! kill-script-filename
(string-append (car args) "/"
(if (pair? (cdr args))
(cadr args)
(format #f "kill-fluent~a"
(if (rp-sge?)
(getenv "JOB_ID")
(number->string (cx-cortex-id)))))))
(format " Argument given is not a valid directory ")))

(with-output-to-file kill-script-filename
(lambda ()
(format "#!/bin/shnn")

(format "# This file was generated by FLUENT. To kill FLUENT and all itsn# related processes, chmod
+x ~a and run this script. Ifn# FLUENT exits normally, this file will be removed automatically.nn"

(format "if [ `/bin/uname` = HP-UX ]; thenntREMOTE_SH=remshnelsentREMOTE_SH=rshnfinn")

(if (rp-host?)
(lambda (p)
(format "$REMOTE_SH ~a kill -9 ~an" (car p) (car (cdr p))))
(format "$REMOTE_SH ~a kill -9 ~an"
(if (pair? (parse-string (cx-client-host) '(#.)))
(car (parse-string (cx-client-host) '(#.)))
(format "$REMOTE_SH ~a kill -9 ~an" (cx-cortex-host) (cx-cortex-id))
(format "/bin/rm -f ~a" kill-script-filename)))
(format "nnKill script file is ~a~%" kill-script-filename))))

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