How to create iso-surfaces that are a series of conical sections?

Sometimes it is helpful to create a series of circular iso-surfaces that are
sections of a cone, to represent the development of the flow field along
one direction.
If you want to create a series of iso-surfaces that are a series of sections of a right circular cone
you will need to know the following:
Coordinates of the origin of the cone
Coordinates of another point on the axis of the cone
Cone-half angle

STEPS to follow:
1) Save attached scheme file as a text file with name: cone-custom-field-function.scm
2) Read instructions at the top of the scheme file and make modifications to the file accordingly
3) Read it into your fluent session
4) From Surface->Iso-surface->Quadric create a series of spheres with the origin at the desired
origin and with different radii
5) We will now use the custom-field-function entitled "cone" to iso-clip these spherical surfaces
and to obtain the series of conical sections
From Surface->Iso-clip select one shperical surface, Use the customfield function "cone"
for clipping. Keep minimum value of the function = cosine of the desired cone half-angle
Keep maximum value = 1
6) Repeat step 5 for all other spherical surfaces
7) Instead of a series of shperical surfaces, this procedure can also be used with a series
of planar surfaces to get a series of planar conical sections

=========Beginning of scheme function=====cut below here============
;;; Scheme function created by Sandeep Sovani, June17th 2004,
;;; This scheme function is used to create a custom-field-function
;;; for the equation of a right circular cone
;;; The axis of the cone is defined by providing coordinates of
;;; the point that represents the origin of the axis and coordinates
;;; of another point on the axis.
;;; Once this axis is defined, this custom-field-function can
;;; be used to create either a conical iso-surface or to identify
;;; a conical region
;;; To create a conical surface simply create an iso-surface of
;;; this custom-field-function with value = cosine of the desired
;;; cone-half-angle
;;; To use this function to identify a region inside the cone,
;;; use the range of values:
;;; from the cosine of the desired cone-half-angle to 1
;;; USAGE:
;;; 1) modify this file by entering desired cone-axis-origin
;;; coordinates, and coordinates of another point on the
;;; axis of the cone
;;; Change the number 0 at three places in the following
;;; line to the desired value of x coordinate for the
;;; origin
;;; ((name origin-x) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
;;; E.g. if the desired x coordinate is 12.33 change this
;;; line in the code below to:
;;; ((name origin-x) (display "12.33") (syntax-tree 12.33) (code 12.33))
;;; Repeat the same procedure for 5 more lines in the code
;;; below, to specify origin-y, origin-z, axis-x, axis-y, axis-z
;;; 2) Save this schemefile and read it into Fluent via
;;; File->Read->Scheme
;;; Six new custom field functions will appear under
;;; Define->Custom_Field_Functions->Manage
;;; origin-x
;;; origin-y
;;; origin-z
;;; axis-x
;;; axis-y
;;; axis-z
;;; cone
;;; 3) Use the custom-field-function entitled "cone"
;;; for post processing

'(((name origin-x) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
((name origin-y) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
((name origin-z) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
((name axis-x) (display "1") (syntax-tree 1) (code 1))
((name axis-y) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
((name axis-z) (display "0") (syntax-tree 0) (code 0))
((name cone) (display "((x - origin-x) * (axis-x - origin-x) + (y - origin-y) * (axis-y - origin-y) + (z - origin-z) * (axis-z - origin-z)) / (sqrt ((x - origin-x) ^ 2 + (y - origin-y) ^ 2 + (z - origin-z) ^ 2) * sqrt ((axis-x - origin-x) ^ 2 + (axis-y - origin-y) ^ 2 + (axis-z - origin-z) ^ 2))") (syntax-tree ("/" ("+" ("+" ("*" ("-" "x-coordinate" "origin-x") ("-" "axis-x" "origin-x")) ("*" ("-" "y-coordinate" "origin-y") ("-" "axis-y" "origin-y"))) ("*" ("-" "z-coordinate" "origin-z") ("-" "axis-z" "origin-z"))) ("*" ("sqrt" ("+" ("+" ("**" ("-" "x-coordinate" "origin-x") 2) ("**" ("-" "y-coordinate" "origin-y") 2)) ("**" ("-" "z-coordinate" "origin-z") 2))) ("sqrt" ("+" ("+" ("**" ("-" "axis-x" "origin-x") 2) ("**" ("-" "axis-y" "origin-y") 2)) ("**" ("-" "axis-z" "origin-z") 2)))))) (code (field-/ (field-+ (field-+ (field-* (field-- (field-load "x-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-x")) (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-x") (cx-field-eval "origin-x"))) (field-* (field-- (field-load "y-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-y")) (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-y") (cx-field-eval "origin-y")))) (field-* (field-- (field-load "z-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-z")) (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-z") (cx-field-eval "origin-z")))) (field-* (field-sqrt (field-+ (field-+ (field-** (field-- (field-load "x-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-x")) 2) (field-** (field-- (field-load "y-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-y")) 2)) (field-** (field-- (field-load "z-coordinate") (cx-field-eval "origin-z")) 2))) (field-sqrt (field-+ (field-+ (field-** (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-x") (cx-field-eval "origin-x")) 2) (field-** (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-y") (cx-field-eval "origin-y")) 2)) (field-** (field-- (cx-field-eval "axis-z") (cx-field-eval "origin-z")) 2)))))))

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