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In natural convection problem, what boundary conditions should I specify to a boundary opening?

In case of natural convection problem boundary openings should be specified with zero velocities.<br><br>The temperature and pressure boundary conditions are considered to be ambient by...

When can periodic boundaries be used in an Icepak model?

Periodic boundary conditions are used when the physical geometry of interest and the expected pattern of the flow/thermal solution have a periodically repeating nature.<br><br>Periodic...

When using periodic boundaries, Icepak is giving a warning message that 'Periodic boundary is not on the boundary' and solver does not start. Why does this happen?

Periodic boundaries can only be placed on the boundaries of your computational domain. If the periodic boundaries are internal to the computational domain, Icepak will create the warning message...

What is the difference between conducting thick plates and contact resistances?

Conducting thick plates have both in-plane and normal (to the plane) conduction.They are modeled and meshed in 3D.<br><br>Contact resistance plates have normal conduction only, and are...

What is the difference between blocks and plates?

The main differences are:<br><br>¿ Plates are meant to be used in place of thin objects.<br><br>¿ Blocks allow six-sided control for meshing and thermal...

Can I use plates on cabinet walls?

In general, you should use walls to give meaningful properties to cabinet boundaries.<br><br>Plates are meant for walls inside the cabinet.<br><br>You can, however, use a...

What is the difference between plates and walls?

The main differences are:<br><br>¿ Walls can only be used as boundary condition. One side of the wall object must touch either the cabinet (system boundary) or the surface of a...

How do I specify a non-uniform conductivity to my blocks or plates?

You may do this by modifying the conductivity values in "Model/Materials".<br><br>Solids materials can have Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic...

My package is not surrounded by walls on all sides, is it OK to use the cabinet walls or should I put openings on these walls?

In general, it is not necessary to put openings on all the cabinet walls.<br><br>It is sufficient to put openings on the walls which are perpendicular to the dominant flow...

I am specifying power on a block. Can I specify the power to the volume as well as to the faces?

Yes, you can specify power at one or more places. However, they are additive, so, the total power specified to the block is the sum of all powers specified to the volume and faces of the...

I am using a source to fix the temperature on a block, but I am not getting the right result. What is happening?

Instead of using the source on a block, use block's individual side specification to fix the temperature on one or more faces.<br>Be careful to ensure that the surface is meshed...

What is an enclosure?

Enclosure is a 3D box like object, made of 6 plates. Sides can be open or closed.<br><br>¿ Closed sides can be thin or thick plates<br><br>¿ Open sides are...

When/where should I use enclosure objects?

The enclosures are mostly used in the case of chassis or box like structures.<br><br>For additional information, refer following section:<br><br>Icepak 12.1 User Guide ->...

What do you mean by the characteristic curve of fan and how it is different from the system curve?

How to obtain operating point of a fan in the model?

Please see the attachment

what is the difference between Swirl RPM and operating RPM for the FAN object?

Please see the attachment

Is it possible to write a file to disk using JScript?

Yes, you can write text files using ActiveXObjects, such as in the following example:<br><br><br>//debugger;<br><br>var fso = new...

Can I access the presentation of the following Webinar: "ASK THE EXPERT" - Unsteady Turbulent Modeling?

The presentation (PDF) is attached to this solution.

If the response PSD (RPSD) curve after a random vibration analysis describes the RMS (1-sigma) response, how can I get the RPSD that describes the 3-sigma response?

It is the integral of the RPSD curve wrt frequency that gives you the *square* of the RMS value (where RMS = 1 sigma). To get 1 sigma, you integrate RPSD and take the square root, so for 3...

In a 12.1 model, I get a warning:

"matierial has too many temperature points. Ansys only accepts %2"

What does it mean?

It is a reference to MKIN/KINH data when an inconsistant number of data points is introduced in a multi temperature application.<br><br>The message has been clarified at R13. Note, it...

What is the difference between the compact and detailed PCB model in Icepak?

<br>The Compact PCB Model includes:<br>o A Non-isotropic plate/block<br>o It uses effective in-plane and normal conductivities throughout the board.<br>o Icepak...

Can Icepak model vias?

Yes, the vias information (e.g., material, plating thickness, filled/un-filled, via diameter etc. ) is imported automatically along with MCM/BRD trace import.<br><br>For Gerber import...

What is the plane of imported traces?

When traces are first imported into a block, the PCB (block) is considered to be in the XY plane - which implies the layers are stacked in the Z-direction.<br><br>The bottom layer is...

What happen if the layers are in negative z region?

By default with trace import, the bottom layer starts at Z=0 and top layer goes to max Z.<br><br>If layers are in negative plane then users need to translate/rotate the board...

What happen if the traces are extended outside the block?

If some traces or planes extend outside the PCB block, then trace information outside the block will be ignored by Icepak.

What does default option `model layers separately' --> unchecked mean? What should be done to avoid this?

This means all trace layers are lumped together for each subgrid.<br><br>In order to prevent lumping of the layers in the thickness direction for better accuracy, one can use `model...