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KNOWN ISSUE: Callbacks and Additional Variables which are functions of Mesh Displacement may give incorrect results (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>An Additional Variable which depends on Mesh Displacement may have incorrect hybrid values, which can be seen when viewed in CFD-Post.<br>A callback function which is...

KNOWN ISSUE: Mass Arrhenius rate option for particles only correct for 1st order reactions (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>If a particle reaction is used where the order of the reaction is greater than unity, and the Mass Arrhenius option is selected, then the CFX-Solver calculates the wrong reaction...

KNOWN ISSUE: Boundary mass sources can give incorrect answer for heat transfer and additional variables (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>If boundary mass (Continuity) sources are used together with either (a) volumetric Additional Variables or (b) heat transfer when the MCF/Energy Sink Option is set to...

KNOWN ISSUE: Use of predefined numbers in particle user routines for multiphase reactions (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>If a particle reaction rate is user defined via a user Fortran routine and a predefined number variable, such as 'Particle Slip Velocity' or 'Particle...

KNOWN ISSUE: Use of particle integration time step in a user defined particle reaction (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>If the particle reaction rate is user defined via a user Fortran routine and the variable 'Particle Integration Timestep' is passed as an argument to the user...

KNOWN ISSUE: Mass flow averages of particle variables may give incorrect results (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>The calculation of mass flow averages of particle variables, such as massFlowAve(Particle.Temperature), in the CFX Solver will in general give incorrect answers, which may not be...

KNOWN ISSUE: "cfx5parhosts -benchmark" does not work on Windows platforms

SYMPTOM:<br>Executing the command "cfx5parhosts -benchmark" on a Windows machine results in output similar to the following:<br><br>Running benchmark with 1...

KNOWN ISSUE: Wall scale problem in parallel when no non-slip walls (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>If a case with no non-slip walls is run in parallel, then it may incorrectly solve the wall scale equation, and thus corrupt the overall...

Q: How can you skip the update of a hanging design point?

A: You should terminate the process AnsysWBU.exe (please note that this is not AnsysFWW.exe). Doing this, you skip the dp in object and you don't have to close Workbench.

User defined cross section offset is not transferred from DesignModeler (DM) to Mechanical application?

Set the Analysis Type (in the property list of the Geometry cell) to 3D and then the user defined offsets are transferred correctly.<br>Also, note that in R13, you need to set the Analysis...

Can I mesh beam geometry, which is created in SolidWorks, in Mechanical using Design Space license?

You would need DesignModeler DM to apply the cross sections and alignments for the beams.

I would like to add a pressure inlet to a problem, where the boundary condition pressure is specified as a function of time. This is for a transient internal flow problem.

Whould you happen to have a simple example of this?

Transient Boundary Conditions<br><br>There are two ways you can specify transient boundary conditions:<br><br> 1. transient profile with a format similar to the...

How to use commands object in Mechanical application to calculate contact pressure x area?

You can use this command object under Solution. Make sure that contact behavior is set to Asymmetric so results (contact pressure) will report on the contact...

Error Message: "Could not connect to local server:24800@localhost An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because queue was full"

This error is due to anit-virus protection software.<br>Please uninstall Antivirus or exclude the ANSYS Inc folder for scan to resolve this issue.

POLYFLOW - What can be said about the CEF (Criminale-Ericksen-Filbey) model?

1. Equation:<br>Let us D and T respectively denote the rate-of-deformation tensor and the extra-stress tensor. The constitutive equation of the CEF fluid model can be written as...

Q: Can I use FEMGV 7.1 with ASAS 14.04 and if so what license files are needed?

A: This can be clarified as follows:<br><br>1) If you want to use FEMGV 7.1 with ASAS then you must use ASAS 12.1.<br><br>ASAS 12.1 and FEMGV 7.1 can only use license keys...

Q: In POLYDATA - How can I define a periodic boundary conditions based on flow rate for viscoelastic flow?

A: This can be done by editing the data file.<br><br>Remove the SOLVER defined for the calculation of inflow boundary conditions, and add a problem '53' (2D) or...


How can you determine how much simulation time is needed to accurately capture time averaged data in an unsteady simulation?

Answer:<br><br>We have unsteady data which we must average. The question is: what is a good average time? The answer is not that simple! Lets imagine the following: you are tracking,...

KNOWN ISSUE: Multiphase modelling and GGI interfaces

SYMPTOM:<br>As documented in the restrictions for multiphase flow calculations, numerical inaccuracies at GGI interfaces for flows including advanced physical models, such as turbulent...

Colouring of particle tracks with multiple files loaded

SYMPTOM:<br>When multiple results files are loaded, containing the same named particle tracks, colouring of the tracks by a particle track variable can fail, and make particles unusable for...

KNOWN ISSUE: Restarts from results files with Option set to 'Essential'

SYMPTOM:<br>The Output Control option 'Essential' for the Results does not guarantee a clean restart.<br><br>PROBLEM:<br>Contrary to what is stated in the...

Symbol size for FLUENT particle tracks

SYMPTOM:<br>When post-processing FLUENT particle tracks, changing the symbol size option to Particle Diameter can crash CFD-Post if the "Particle Diameter" variable is not...

KNOWN ISSUE: Semi-perfect gas option in Vista CCD

SYMPTOM:<br>In Vista_CCD, the semi-perfect gas option is disabled.<br><br>PROBLEM:<br>The model fails to work correctly.<br><br>WORKAROUND:<br>If the...

KNOWN ISSUE: Incompressible fluids and the Total Energy heat transfer option (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>When using incompressible fluids along with the total energy equation heat transfer model the solver will ignore user specified total pressure at both INLET and OPENING boundary...

KNOWN ISSUE: Transient multiphase flow with initial smoothing of volume fraction (Class 3 Error)

SYMPTOM:<br>When doing a transient multiphase simulation in which Initial Volume Fraction Smoothing is active, incorrect answers will be obtained on the first time...