POLYFLOW - How to plot a membrane (thermoforming) in ANSYS?

Let us consider that a thermoforming simulation with POLYFLOW is completed. Output files are created for ANSYS Mechanical. How can one display the thermoformed object in ANSYS, including the thickness? The output file contains usualy both the thermoformed object and the mould; the thickness is defined only on the thermoformed object.
There are a few commands that can be useful, to start with...
- under File, read input from... and select the .cdb file to read
- under Plot, select Elements
- under PlotCtrls (Plot controls), select numbering, and there select "material numbering" next to "Elem/Attrib numbering"; select also numbering with colour only
- under PlotCtrls, select Style, and then "Size and shape", there, ask the display of elements
- under PlotCtrls, select Symbol, and choose a field next to "Body load symbol", e.g. structural temperature, if necessary
- remove the mould by entering the command esel,u,mat,,# (where # is the ID of the mould), eventually enter /replot

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