What are the typical thermal units in ANSYS?

The following are the typical thermal units in ANSYS in the SI and English systems:

Typical Units in ANSYS ( SI ):
Temperature Degrees C ( or K )
Heat Flow Watts
Thermal Conductivity Watts / ( meter * degree C )
Density kilogram / ( meter^3 )
Specific Heat ( Watt * sec ) / ( kilogram * degree C)
Film Coefficient Watts / ( meter^2 * degree C )
Heat Flux Watts / ( meter^2 )
Thermal Gradients degree C / meter
Internal Heat Generation Watts / ( meter^3 )

Typical Units in ANSYS ( English ):
Temperature Degrees F (or R)
Heat Flow BTU / hr
Thermal Conductivity BTU / ( hr * inch * degree F )
Density lbm / ( inch^3 )
Specific Heat BTU / ( lbm * degree F )
Film Coefficient BTU / ( hr * inch^2 * degree F )
Heat Flux BTU / ( hr * inch^2 )
Thermal Gradients degree F / inch
Internal Heat Generation BTU / ( hr * inch^3 )

Note: for structural compatibility, density/Gc and specific heat*Gc units are frequently employed, where Gc=386.4 (lbm * inch)/(lbf * sec^2)

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