I have just installed CFX-5.7.1 onto my master and slave PCs (Windows platforms) and when I try running PVM distributed parallel I get the following error:

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Unable to start the PVM daemon on host host_name. This may indicate |
| that the PVM daemon is already running on that host, or that it |
| left files in /tmp on that host because it did not exit cleanly |
| last time it was run. |

I can run both PVM and MPICH locally in parallel. The command "rsh host_name cmd /c set" returns the environment variables of the slave machine called host_name, as it should.

When the run finishes a file called pvml.pid is left in the temporary directory on the master which looks like the following:

[pvmd pid1412] parsehost(): unknown option "IncCFXSharedpvm3.4.4_11-1libWIN32pvmd3.exe"
[pvmd pid1412] parsehost(): unknown option "FilesANSYS"
[pvmd pid1412] readhostfile() d:testTestnew_019.dirPVMhosts 2: errors
[pvmd pid1412] parsehost(): unknown option "IncCFXSharedpvm3.4.4_11-1libWIN32pvmd3.exe"
[pvmd pid1412] parsehost(): unknown option "FilesANSYS"
[pvmd pid1412] readhostfile() d:testTestnew_019.dirPVMhosts 3: errors
[pvmd pid1412] readhostfile() d:testTestnew_019.dirPVMhosts: 2 errors in hostfile
[t80040000] PC1234 ( WIN32 3.4.4
[t80040000] ready Mon Jan 17 14:44:22 2005
[t80040000] startack() host PC1304 expected version, got "PvmCantStart"
[t80040000] dm_halt() from (PC1234), halting...
[t80040000] work() pvmd halting
[t80040000] pvmbailout(0)

This is a known problem on Windows platforms and it is listed in the CFX-5.7.1 Release Notes which can be found in the CFX-5.7.1 help documentation. When CFX-5.7.1 is installed in the default location (C:Program Files....), distributed parallel using that machine as a slave will fail due to PVM errors when the path includes spaces. As a workaround use the 'short path' notation (eg c:Progra~1Ansysl~1...) when setting the Installation Root field for that machine in the file hosts.ccl on the master.
**** Entered By: dsclarke @ 20/02/2005 22:10 ****

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