Can you provide some guidelines for diagnosing Pro/E to ICEM CFD 5.1 import problems?

First check the date code of ProE. The minimum date code we support for our translator for ProE2001 is 2002310.
For ProEWildFire, it is 20030510.

Direct ProE Import Inside ICEM CFD:
For the direct import inside ICEM to work, PROE_EXEC_PATH must point to the start up script for Proe2001. The direct import inside ICEM can only work with one version of ProE at a time. You'll have to keep changing this environment variable if you want to switch between using the two different versions for ICEM for the direct import. Here is an example path for the ProE startup script on Windows:


If the direct import inside ICEM doesn't work, then you should make sure ProE can load the interface interactively in ProE first.

Interactive ProE Interface:
ProE can use one of the 2 files, protk.dat or, to find the interface files. These can exist almost anywhere inside ProE or in the start up directory for ProE, or the user's HOME path. It will use the first one it finds, and some locations take precedence for searching over others. The user's HOME path takes first precedence followed by the start up directory followed by locations in ProE. The i486_nt/text folder inside Proe is one of the places it first looks inside ProE for protk.dat. If it uses, then the just points to the protk.dat file, wherever it may be located, through a "PROTKDAT" command or a "toolkit_registry_file" command. In this case, the file it points to can be any name or location, but we will continue to call it "protk.dat" here, for simplicity.
Locate the protk.dat file it is using. Another common place is in the "text" folder just under the main ProE folder.
Open this file in a text editor. Here is an example protk.dat:

NAME promif
EXEC_FILE C:Program FilesAnsys Incv90AIEnvironment5.1-windifpropromif.dll
TEXT_DIR C:Program FilesAnsys Incv90AIEnvironment5.1-windifproText
delay_start FALSE
allow_stop TRUE

Here, the EXEC_FILE and TEXT_DIR lines are the full paths. Alternatively, they may have an environment variable substituted for part of the path. Example:


On Unix, you should use forward slashes. On windows, it will work with both forward and back slashes.

If the path uses an environment variable, then check that the PROMIF_ACN environment variable exists, and that its path, replaced for the variable name in the EXEC_FILE line, points to the correct location to find the promif.dll file. The same thing applies to the TEXT_DIR line.

Look at the EXEC_FILE line. Check that the exact path is right and that the promif.dll file exists where it is pointing to. The promif.dll is a copy of either promif_23.dll or promif_24.dll depending on which version of Proe you said you had at the time of the ICEM CFD installation. You can, alternatively, edit the EXEC_FILE path to point directly to the promif_23.dll or promif_24.dll, depending on the Proe version, if you'd like. Promif_23.dll is for ProE2001. Promif_24.dll is for ProEWildFire and ProEWildFire2.

Next check the TEXT_DIR line. It should have the same path as the EXEC_FILE line, except the dll name should be replaced with "Text." You can also check that this "text" folder exists. This folder contains the files necessary to create the menus of the direct interface inside ProE.
Save any changes to protk.dat as a plain text file, and restart ProE. Look for the words "ICEM CFD Mesher Interface Version #.##" inside ProE. If you see this, then it means that it successfully loaded the interface. You can also check by loading a part or assembly, and then check the menu manager at the right for the words "ICEM CFD." If you see this, then the interface is loaded. Each time you make a change to protk.dat, you must restart ProE to test if the add-in is loading.

If you have any other add-ins to ProE, such as an ANSYS add-in, then you need to find the protk.dat that is registering that add-in, and append the full contents of the ICEM protk.dat to the other protk.dat. This is the protk.dat that ProE will use. Here is an example protk.dat for two ProE add-ins, ANSYS and ICEM CFD:

name ac4pro80.exe
exec_path d:Program FilesAnsys Incv80ANSYSac4binproIntelac4pro.exe
text_path d:Program FilesAnsys Incv80ANSYSac4dataprotext
revision 24.0

NAME promif
delay_start FALSE
allow_stop TRUE

If the interface is not loaded, check inside ProE where ProE is finding the add-in files. Go to "Utilities, Auxiliary Applications." If you see "promif" in the list, click on it, and then press "info." Check that the exact paths of "Exec_path" and "text_path" are correct. If they are not, then ProE may be actually finding and using a different protk.dat than you looked at and edited. Or, if the path looks like it has some strange characters in it, so that it is not substituting the value of PROMIF_ACN right, then go back to the protk.dat file and bypass that environment variable by using the exact full path.

You can manually register a protk.dat, which registers the add-in, by clicking on "Register..." inside "Utilities, Auxiliary Applications." Then browse to the protk.dat file and press "open". Then in the auxiliary applications window, click on the item in the list that represents this new add-in, and press "Start." The item will read "Running" if ProE is able to start it.
This is a good way to check if ProE can start it, but starting by this method will not enable the add-in to start automatically when ProE is launched. It only starts the add-in for the current session of ProE. If ProE can't start it, and the path inside the protk.dat is right, then i

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