When I attempt to create a large mesh interactively using Tetra, the memory requirements exceed the available memory on my machine. Is there any way to overcome this problem?

You should find that you can cope with considerably larger meshes by running Tetra in batch from the command line. By running the mesher separately from the mesh editor, less memory is required. A Tetra mesh can be generates as follows:

STEP 1 - Create a Tetra parameters file

To run tetra in batch, you will first need to create a Tetra parameter file. This is in ASCII format and in most cases, only a very simple file is required. A good starting point, using a bare minimum of parameters is as follows:

SurfaceFile myfile.tin
DomainOutputFile myfile.uns
run_cutter 1

The above example would use the file 'myfile.tin' as an input file, writing the mesh to the file 'myfile.uns'. The cutter would be run (necessary to obtain the only elements inside the geometry). Therefore when creating a perameters file, it will be necessary to substitute the correct names for a pre-existing tetin (.tin) file and the mesh (.uns) to be generated.

STEP 2 - Run Tetra from the command line

Tetra can be run from the command file using a command of the form:

tetra -batch tetra_params

(In this example 'tetra_params' is the name of the tetra parameters file.)


- The 'tetra' executable is located in the 'icemcfd' directory in your ICEM installation.

- A list and description of the available parameters for a tetra parameters file is available at: <a target=_blank href="http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/tech_notes/tetra_params.html">http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/tech_notes/tetra_params.html</a>http://www-berkeley.ansys.com/tech_notes/tetra_params.html

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