I have just installed ICEM CFD 10.0 and when I try to run it I get a pop-up containing the following message:

AI*Environment 10.0 Initialization Error

ansys license 241 is not available in the license file
failed to get ansys license 241: return code -21, unknown error

I have the ansys licensing running and this was not interfered with before, during or after the installation of ICEM CFD 10.0.

This happens when you are trying to use a version of the software which was released after your TECS contract expired.

If you have a Paid Up license for any of the ANSYS products your TECS expire date for those product is given as the fourth item on the INCREMENT lines in your license file for that product; it is given in the format yyyy.mmdd.

The ANSYS products have a version encoded in them that reflects the date they were released - for ICEM CFD 10.0 this was during July 2005. Your TECS expire date is compared with this version release date:

* If your TECS expire date is earlier than the version release date, the version of the product that you have installed will not run
* If your TECS expire date is later than the version release date then the product will run.

When you renew your TECS contract you will automatically be sent a new license file cut with the new TECS expire date. So if you are getting this problem then either you do not have a valid TECS contract and must renew this before you can run the latest products or you have not received or installed the updated license file that was sent to you.

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