I have created a mesh for one blade passage in TurboGrid 10. The nodes on periodic surface are generated with full one-to-one match. After I bring that mesh into Pre, I try to make several copies and glue them together to make a full fan model. However, Pre does not glue those copies together. Also, when I try to export the single passage with a one-to-one match on the periodic interfaces, Pre reports that a GGI connection was used instead. What is the problem?

This can often happen in Pre when the mesh generated in TurboGrid has a well refined boundary layer. In order to force Pre to glue the assemblies together, you will need to increase the Mesh Match Tolerance (Edit > Options > Mesh) in CFX Pre from 0.005 to 0.02.
**** Entered By: cguetari @ 09/22/2009 01:17 PM ****

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