When the CFX-Solver crashes during a run, the monitor data does not get written into the full backup or full transient files from this run. So any restarts from these files will not show the previous monitor data.
How can I write the monitor data into the full backup or full transient files?

If the solver crashes during a run, any combination of the mon, mon.old, *_full.mon files are left in the temporary folder for that run. mon files are text file that can be edited with wordpad or any other text editor. If it is desired to restart from a backup file and have the residual and monitor data history available, use the command cfx5defile to put the mon data back into the backup file.
cfx5dfile *_full.bak -write-monitor *_full.mon
cfx5dfile *_full.trn -write-monitor *_full.mon
`*` stands for the iteration or timestep number.

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