Do you have an example demostrating the procedure to model liquid on top of a piezoelectric device (SAW) using MFS single code to do the FSI?


Attached is a hypothetical piezo SAW covered in a fluid modeled with FLOTRAN CFD elements with harmonically varying voltage on the two electrodes (180 degrees out of phase). Both the piezo and CFD fields are solved as transients using MFS.

The only thing I can think of adding to this model for completeness is periodic boundary conditions (if the system you are interested in is indeed periodic). I tried to do this but had trouble applying the PERI.MAC macro to the CFD elements ' I suspect the macro does not anticipate duplicate nodes on the FSIN boundary between the CFD and piezo elements.

Verification of the results is up to the user as I really have no idea what kind of fluidic response to expect for such a system. Note that I exaggerated displacement in piezo voltage animation for clarity. Also note that I placed toolbar button calls to macros that this input file creates. The macros are set up for postprocessing either field (the piezo one or the CFD one) in POST1 and POST26 (they're for your convenience to simplify the set up procedure).


Do you have an example demostrating the procedure to model liquid on top of a piezoelectric device (SAW) using MFS single code to do the FSI?


Attached is a hypothetical piezo SAW covered in a fluid modeled with FLOTRAN CFD elements with harmonically varying voltage on the two electrodes (180 degrees out of phase). Both the piezo and CFD fields are solved as transients using MFS.

The only thing I can think of adding to this model for completeness is periodic boundary conditions (if the system you are interested in is indeed periodic). I tried to do this but had trouble applying the PERI.MAC macro to the CFD elements ` I suspect the macro does not anticipate duplicate nodes on the FSIN boundary between the CFD and piezo elements.

Verification of the results is up to the user as I really have no idea what kind of fluidic response to expect for such a system. Note that I exaggerated displacement in piezo voltage animation for clarity. Also note that I placed toolbar button calls to macros that this input file creates. The macros are set up for postprocessing either field (the piezo one or the CFD one) in POST1 and POST26 (they`re for your convenience to simplify the set up procedure).

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