I did not create a monitor point at the start of the simulation. How can I now extract monitor point information from a results file?

The easiest way to get the time history of a monitor point is to set up a monitor point in CFX-Pre. The solver will then output the monitor point information for every time step.

If you don't or forget to do this you can use a transient results file to construct a time history. Obviously you will only have time data points for the times at which a transient result was written. The basic idea is to create a probe in CFX-Post and write out the value of the probe for each of the times the result file has a solution. Below is an example CFX-Post session file that automates the process.

# Variable declaration

! use strict;
! my ($probe, $string, $variable, $varUnits, $locator);
! my ($nSteps, $stepInterval, $iStep, $currentTimestep, $time);
! local *FILE;

! $locator = "Point 1";
! $variable = "HeavyGas.Molar Fraction";
! $varUnits = " ";
! $nSteps = 60;
! $stepInterval = 60;

# Create the monitoringpoint

Apply Instancing Transform = On
Colour = 1, 1, 0
Colour Map = Rainbow
Colour Mode = Constant
Colour Scale = Linear
Colour Variable = $variable
Colour Variable Boundary Values = Hybrid
Culling Mode = No Culling
Domain List = All Domains
Draw Faces = On
Draw Lines = Off
Instancing Transform = Default Transform
Lighting = On
Line Width = 2
Max = 0 [mol mol^-1]
Min = 0 [mol mol^-1]
Node Number = 1
Option = XYZ
Point = 4.5 [m], 5.6 [m], 19.1 [m]
Point Symbol = Crosshair
Range = Local
Specular Lighting = Off
Surface Drawing = Smooth Shading
Symbol Size = 1.0
Transparency = 0.0
Variable = Pressure
Visibility = On

# Open outputfile

! open(FILE, ">probe.txt");
! $string = sprintf("%s , %s [%s] n" , "time [s]", $variable, $varUnits);
! print FILE $string;

# Loop over the timesteps and get the probe data for the monitoring point

! for ($iStep = 0; $iStep < $nSteps; $iStep++){
! $currentTimestep = $iStep*$stepInterval;

Current Timestep = $currentTimestep
> load

! $probe = probe($variable ,$locator);
! $time = probe("Time" ,$locator);
! $string = sprintf("%f , %f n" , $time, $probe);
! print FILE $string;

**** Entered By: dsclarke @ 11/16/2006 03:34 PM ****

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