Question: How to use AUTODYN user subroutines in version 11.0 release


In version 11.0 release, AUTODYN user subroutines are installed in user's document directory. For example, if user name in Windows is "usr_name", AUTODYN user subroutines are installed in the directory "C:Documents and Settingsusr_nameMy DocumentsAUTODYN user_subroutines".

The use of AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines is similar to its previous versions. The detailed descriptions on using AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines can be downloaded from ANSYS Customer Portal ( under Product Information -> Product Documentation -> ANSYS AUTODYN, and then select User Subroutine Tutorial Version 11.0.

To compile AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines, you need to have:

FORTRAN compiler: Intel Visual Fortran Standard v9.0 or above.
C++ compiler : Microsoft Visual 2003 only.

Intel Fortran 8.0.

AUTODYN user subroutines can be used to import user-created material models, customize AUTODYN meshes, or edit AUTODYN variables at the specified cycles or times.

For example, if you want to import a user-created yield model to AUTODYN for a specified material:

First, in AUTODYN model set the strength model of the material to "USER Strength #1".Then go to the directory "C:Documents and Settingsusr_nameMy DocumentsAUTODYN user_subroutinesfsrcmaterial", open the file "mdstr_user_1.f90", and edit the user subroutine. For the convenience of editing and debugging, Visual C++ and Fortran Development projects "ad_usrsub.sln" and "ad_usrsub.vfproj" are created and stored in the directory.

Finally, you need to build the AUTODYN user executable "ad_usersub.exe" from the Visual C++ development studio. If parallel processing is used to run AUTODYN user subroutines, you also need to build AUTODYN user slave executable "ad_usrsub_slave.exe" through the projects "ad_usrsub_slave.sln" and "ad_usrsub_slave.vfproj".

Question: How to use AUTODYN user subroutines in version 11.0 release


In version 11.0 release, AUTODYN user subroutines are installed in user's document directory. For example, if user name in Windows is "usr_name", AUTODYN user subroutines are installed in the directory "C:Documents and Settingsusr_nameMy DocumentsAUTODYN user_subroutines".

The use of AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines is similar to its previous versions. The detailed descriptions on using AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines can be downloaded from ANSYS Customer Portal ( under Product Information -> Product Documentation -> ANSYS AUTODYN, and then select User Subroutine Tutorial Version 11.0.

To compile AUTODYN v11.0 user subroutines, you need to have:

FORTRAN compiler: Intel Visual Fortran Standard v9.0 or above.
C++ compiler : Microsoft Visual 2003 only.

Intel Fortran 8.0.

AUTODYN user subroutines can be used to import user-created material models, customize AUTODYN meshes, or edit AUTODYN variables at the specified cycles or times.

For example, if you want to import a user-created yield model to AUTODYN for a specified material:

First, in AUTODYN model set the strength model of the material to "USER Strength #1".Then go to the directory "C:Documents and Settingsusr_nameMy DocumentsAUTODYN user_subroutinesfsrcmaterial", open the file "mdstr_user_1.f90", and edit the user subroutine. For the convenience of editing and debugging, Visual C++ and Fortran Development projects "ad_usrsub.sln" and "ad_usrsub.vfproj" are created and stored in the directory.

Finally, you need to build the AUTODYN user executable "ad_usersub.exe" from the Visual C++ development studio. If parallel processing is used to run AUTODYN user subroutines, you also need to build AUTODYN user slave executable "ad_usrsub_slave.exe" through the projects "ad_usrsub_slave.sln" and "ad_usrsub_slave.vfproj".

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