solidification/Melting for pure component in V12.0.16

For Pure component solidification ( when Tl = Ts) the temperature and liquid fraction field is not correct.
This is a bug and is fixed in R12.1.
The workaround is:
1. Provide slightly higher liquid temperature than solid temperature. (can be of the order of 0.1)

2. A better workaround is to use the below UDF for pure component solidification.
use this UDF as a energy source in fluids panel.

#include "udf.h"
#define slope_max 1e+2

if(!rp_unsteady) return 0.;
Material *m = THREAD_MATERIAL(t);
real liqf = C_LIQF(c,t);
real latent_heat = MATERIAL_PROP(m,PROP_melting_heat) ;
real tliq = MATERIAL_PROP(m,PROP_tliqidus);
real slope = slope_max * latent_heat ;
if(liqf >0. && liqf < 1.0)
C_T_S(c,t) -= C_R(c,t)/dt*tliq*slope*C_VOLUME(c,t) ;
C_T_AP(c,t) += C_R(c,t)/dt*slope*C_VOLUME(c,t) ;
return 0. ;

This is fixed in 12.1.x

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