To model a circuit-fed coil using SOLID97, we have to choose the AX,AY,AZ,CURR,EMF option. This option needs real constants, including CARE (coil cross-sectional area), VOLU (volume of the modeled conductor), and DIRX, DIRY, DIRZ (unit vectors that describe the direction of current flow), etc. How do I determine the real constants of circuit-fed torus stranded-coils using SOLID97,3, especially the CARE item?

See the attached model of a stranded toroidal air coil using SOLID97. The coil was divided into multiple sectors, each having unique real constants for fill factor and cross section area. The strand orientation is in the "z" direction in the local toroidal element coordinate system (ESYS,11). For expedience, the voltage-fed stranded coil option was used (keyopt(1)=2). Converting this to a circuit-fed stranded coil should be fairly trivial (use keyopt(1)=3 and include a circuit model).

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