I am preparing a script to submit several CFX definition files for sequential solver runs.
The definition file are located in different directories and I'd like the runs to take place in
those respective directories. When I start a run from the Solver Manager GUI, I see that
there's an option to set the working folder, but I can see no CCL or command line argument for
cfx5solve to set this. How can I set the working folder for a CFX run from the command line?

There are a couple of ways to do this.

1. You could change the directory in the script that you're using to submit the run. An example
Perl script that uses the Perl command chdir would look something like:

chdir "E:folder1 est";
system("cfx5solve -def StaticMixer.def");
chdir "D:folder2";
system("cfx5solve -def StaticMixer.def");

Note the use of the Perl escape character to allow the use of the for the Windows directory.

2. You can also make use of the undocumented cfx5solve command line argument -chdir as shown in the
following example:

system("cfx5solve -def E:folder1 estStaticMixer.def -chdir E:folder1 est");
system("cfx5solve -def D:folder2StaticMixer.def -chdir D:folder2");

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