KR32: How to get default setup when launching a new fluent session without storing it in the case file?

This can be done in the start-up ".fluent" configuration file which must be located in the home directory. For instance, if we need to assign at the start-up level the left/middle/right buttons of the mouse with the "mouse-zoom" attribute, you can use this .fluent file.
;; Change some default settings for all cases, including existing ones.
(let ((old-rc client-read-case))
(set! client-read-case
(lambda args
(apply old-rc args)
(if (cx-gui?)
;; Always plot residuals.
(cxsetvar 'left-button-function "mouse-zoom")
(cxsetvar 'middle-button-function "mouse-zoom")
(cxsetvar 'right-button-function "mouse-zoom")
(cxsetvar 'mouse-probes? #t)
;; You can add more settings here.
;; Also you can load a scheme file by using following command
;;(load "path/filename") filename should be in all Capital letters
Additional to that, if you need to keep the inches as length unit you can add:
(ti-menu-load-string "define/units/length in")
Additional commands may be added following the fluent TUI commands.

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