KR104: How can I suppress the warning messages about reversed flow at certain boundaries or regarding limits on certain variables such as temperature or turbulent viscosity?

These warning messages could indicate potential errors or inconsistencies in your problem definition within FLUENT. In other cases, they may appear only during the early convergence stages of your calculation. If you do want to suppress these warning messages, do the following:

To suppress the "reversed flow" warning messages, use the text interface command:

/solve/set/flow-warnings? no

or enter the following scheme command within the FLUENT console window:
(rpsetvar 'flow-warnings? #f)

To supress the "limiter" warning messages, use the text interface command:
/solve/set/limiter-warnings? no
or enter the following scheme command within the FLUENT console window:

(rpsetvar 'limiter-warnings? #f)

To re-enable these warning messages, replace "no" with "yes" in the text interface commands above and "#f" with "#t" in the scheme commands above.

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