KR400: How can we ""flag"" the cell which has reverse flow (backflow)?(Solution ID: 1351)

This UDF will "flag" the cells which have reverse flow, thus enable us to uniquely see which cells have reversed flow. This is particularly useful if the surface is complex and does not coincide with the X, Y or Z coordinate planes.

This UDF has two UDMs - UDM0 will have values +1/-1 corresponding to +/- mass flow rates. UDM1 will have values same as the mass flow rate through the adjacent boundary face.

How this UDF works?-

1. Read case/data
2. Change the Zone ID (of the face on which mass flow rate is required) in UDF
3. Compile UDF, load library
4. Allocate TWO UDMs
5. Initialize UDMs by going to Display->Contours->UDMs, select UDM0, click on "Compute". Repeat the same for UDM1.
6. Execute DEFINE_ON_DEMAND function "massflow_mark".
7. This will print the mass flow rate through the boundary zone in the fluent console.
8. You can display the contours of UDMs.

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