Useful scheme commands

Here are some useful scheme commands, which can be used to access, residuals value, number of cells marked for refinement.
(%iterate 0); will return the current iteration number
(car (%residual-history 'x-velocity 1)): will return value of x-velocity residual
(car (%residual-history 'y-velocity 1)): will return value of y-velocity residual
(car (%residual-history 'z-velocity 1)): will return value of z-velocity residual
(car (%residual-history 'k 1)): will return value of K residual
(car (%residual-history 'epsilon 1)): will return value of epsilon residual

(vector-ref (car (get-all-registers)) 5)): will return number of cells marked for refinement
This command should be modified if more than one registers exists.

Following commands can be used to get area of a surface:

(ti-menu-load-string "report/surface-area inlet")
(define a (car (cx-get-group-srfs (list 'inlet))))
(define inlet-area (%surface-integrate (list a) 1 "2d" "area"))
For a 3D cases, 2d should be replaced by 3d.

Many of the above commands can be obtained from Fluent console by using following command:
(cx-trace #t)

When this flag is turned on, many commands are displayed on the Fluent console window.

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