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How to open a .dbs files on W2K platform by simply double clicking on it.

In case of Gambit .dbs files, one has to open a DOS shell, then change directory to the target folder where the .dbs file is and then typing<br>gambit -id...

Post-processing 3D simulations

How do I see the interior of 3D geometries when post-processing in FIPOST?<br>First you must orient your model to be viewed along a convenient direction. This is done using the DISPLAY...

how to determine IC parameter Piston Stroke Cutoff

For IC application, Piston Stroke Cutoff will determine where to start layering. To maximize layering region, one would like to use a value as small as possible. On the other hand, too small of...

best view for IC application

For IC application, if animation is needed, it is hard to get the view right at the begining of the simulation as the mesh will move and the simulation normally starts with piston at...

how to perform swirl ratio calculation in Fluent

For IC simulation, a lot of times the swirl ratio is of in terest. Fluent currently does not provided a button to do that.<br>A udf along with a scheme has been created for this. The...

How to use CA for IC auto save

Currently, Fluent autosave will append time step. For IC simulation, it would be nice to have CA appended instead of time step.<br>A scheme file is created to help with that. Explanation...

Compiling UDF on NT

<br>While I compile a UDF with Fluent 6.1.15 I get:<br>**********************<br>> 1 file copiati.<br>(system "move user_nt.udf...

scheme command to activate and deactivate the ersoion model via the text interface

Creating journal files using the GUI for DPM and erosion models has been troublesome for a customer.<br>Using the text interface provides reliable journal files<br>The following scheme...

Autosave at specified time intervals

In some cases, especially when adaptive time stepping is used, it may be desirable to write autosave files at specified time intervals instead of every N time steps.<br><br>It is...

Additional information about new radiation post-processing features in Fluent 6.1 for semi-transparent thin walls

In Fluent 6.1 itsurface tension is now possible to post process transmitted, reflected and absorbed components of radiation at semi-transparent walls. These quantities are described in Section...

Installing and Configuring FLUENT Network Parallel

Installing and Configuring FLUENT Network Parallel using FLUENT on the Windows OS<br><br><br>Go to the main FAQ page and go to the links for Fluent Parallel using MPICH2 or...

Compiled and Interpreted UDF's Errors/Resolutions

Common Errors/Resolutions<br>Please see these documents for common errors/resolutions:<br><br>Compiled:<br><br><a target=_blank...

Compute Div (Vorticy X velocity)

UDF needed to compute div(vorticity x velocity)<br>/* UDF to compute div (vorticity x velocity)<br> or<br><br> Grad . ( Grad x u x u )<br><br> ...

Fluent6.0.12 : How to increase the speed of reading the casefile on a Windows cluster?

Two customers complain about the low speed of file i/o in the parallel Fluent solver on a Windows cluster.<br>Is there any way to increase the speed with given system...

How to get Microsoft friendly plots out of fipost?

Is there a more streamlined way of getting high quality plots in Microsoft capable format?<br>In a recent version (8.6), this process has been simplified drastically.<br>Please review...

compute turbulent diffusion coefficient for UDS

Analagous method needed for computing diffusivity for user-defined scalars (UDS) in turbulent flow as for species eqns.<br>Solution methodology is as follows<br><br>if turbulence...

UDF to compute radiation heat rate on an interior surface

A need to compute radiation heat transfer at an interior surface has arised. A UDF has been generated.<br>The UDF loops through all DO directions for each face on the surface, and depending...

generate random numbers

UDF to generate many types of random number distributions: uniform, gaussian, poisson, binomial and exponential.<br>A UDF has been written as a DEFINE_ON_DEMAND...

Handling cases with large numbers of files opened (monitor files)

<br>On Unix platforms, there is a limit on the number of files that a process can handle opened at a certain<br>moment. The default value of this number varies from OS to OS. For...

Model Forced Diffusion in binary gas or liquid mixtures (single phase only).

PROBLEM:<br>Model forced diffusion in binary mixtures (single phase) mixtures.<br><br>ANALYSIS<br>J = J_ordinary + J_forced<br><br>J1_ordinary = -rho D12 Grad...

How to determine flow direction through plane surface

Client has defined plane. When mass flux through plane surface is reported, client cannot tell which is positive (or negative) direction for the face. The bulk flow direction is difficult to...

Errors While making Grid interfaces:

force-sharedSome times following errors are encountered while making grid interfaces in FLUENT:<br><br>------<br>Error: Compute-edge-planes: Degenerate...

How to increase memory for postprocessing a large model in FIPOST?

When I run a large number of iterations (say, 12000) and then go to make a convergence plot in FIPOST, I get a message stating I have insufficient memory for the operation. How can I bump up this...

compute time step when only the time itself is passed in a subroutine

Some subroutine templates give the user access to the time variable but not to the time step. By adding a simple if-statement logic the time step can be deducted.<br>data oldtime...

Display pathlines in Fluent 6.1.18 - workaround when problems arise

In Fluent 6.1.18 - the latest release of the solver, a problem with displaying pathlines / particle tracks may arise when releasing the<br>pathlines from surfaces which are on the boundary...